
Tuesday 20 August 2013

Natural Bird Feeders

To make a natural bird feeder you will need:
-Some pine cones
-Glucose syrup
-Wild bird seed
-Two large branches

Others have suggested using peanut butter to adhere the birdseed to your object. For children with nut allergies, glucose is a great alternative.

Begin by tying up your two branches somewhere in the garden. We left about a 20cm gap between the top branch and the second branch.
Tie the string around a section of the pine cone. Carefully dip the pine cone into the glucose syrup (which is a lovely sticky sensation for the kids) and then into the bird seed. Try to get the bird seed into the open pockets of the pine cone.
Hang the pine cones from the top branch, but in a position where the birds can perch on the bottom branch and peck at the bird seed.

The children and I have already identified many new different types of birds in our playground. Have a go at making a bird feeder for your garden or playground. The birds are loving it and so are the children!


  1. Great idea to use glucose in place of peanut butter for kids with nut allergies. Fortunately I don't have to worry about that. I love these because kids get to make something and birds benefit too!

  2. These are so adorable! I've been wanting to make a bird feeder for a while now - I think I'll try this one :) I'd be thrilled if you'd come on over to Pink Recipe Box and link up at Creative Wednesdays:

  3. Love this idea. My sons love watching birds outside our window.
    Thanks for linking up at Artsy Play Wednesday. Pinned to our group board.

  4. Oh my goodness, this is brilliant! Thanks for sharing on Science Sunday.

  5. Hi!
    This is a wonderful idea! A great way to have the kids involved. Seems like a great learning experience.
    I came across your blog via “Sharing Saturday”. Following you through G+ and GFC. I am looking forward to reading more.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Bismah @

  6. I've actually not made these with the kids yet so thanks for the inspiration and for linking it to Tuesday Tots. I'm featuring this post as part of this week's Tuesday Tots. :)

  7. This would be so much fun to do with my nephew! He's 3 and would totally love making a "useful mess" with peanut butter.

  8. Oh, how fun!! Love the change to glucose syrup. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  9. What a brilliant idea! Have pinned it :)
